Dive deep into even more fascinating material about Howwe’s way of working: Why is it easy to react but hard to be proactive? What psychological pitfalls does the Acceleration Meeting help remove from teams?

Why is it so hard to prioritize?

Listen to Johan Grönstedt, the Howwe Technologies CPO, talk more about the importance and challenge regarding prioritization of goals. Real prioritization is about opting out of a few things.

Key Activities and behavioural traps

Listen to Johan Grönstedt, the Howwe Technologies CPO, talk about Key Activities and behavioural traps in our modern world. How can we outsmart our caveman brain to be more proactive?

The real power of Acceleration Meetings

Listen to Johan Grönstedt, the Howwe Technologies CPO, talk about what is really going on during an Acceleration Meeting. What psychological pitfalls does the Acceleration Meeting help remove from teams?

Measurable Most Important Goals

Some teams struggle to find measurable MIGs. In this section, Johan Grönstedt, Howwe Technologies’ CPO, explains how to proceed if you find it hard to find measurable MIGs.

What is commitment culture?

What is commitment culture and why is it important? A conversation between Johan Grönstedt, Howwe Technologies’ CPO, and Oskar Jansson, former Business Director at Howwe Technologies.