The real key to achieving goals is to not get caught up in measuring the outcome, to instead focus on the actions – the critical activities that push the goals forward. These are the things we can control and they’re what will determine whether we succeed or not.
Key Activities are the few impactful activities the team needs to focus on to make progress on reaching their most important goals, or to contribute to one or more company Initiatives.
In the Howwe way of working, there is a clear distinction between the “normal” operational work that a team does from day to day, and the improvement work that will help them accelerate to their Most Important Goals. In reality, these will probably overlap somewhat, but keep in mind that Howwe is not for adding a teams day to day operations. Instead it is a solution to help teams make a clear and actionable plan of how to execute their strategy. Teams are therefore asked to identify proactive Key Activities with that focus on strategy and improvement work in mind.
Key Activities can be of two types: Either a Key Activity is recurring, a behavior we want to instill in our team every week, OR Key Activities are instead unique improvement tasks from a business plan. Lets look a bit closer at both, starting with the latter:
Realising the strategy or business plan of a team requires a concrete and actionable plan. In Howwe, this plan translates to Key Activities that are collected in a sprint. In each sprint, teams assign unique tasks to members of the team. Each of these activities has a clear impact on either the team MIGs or it contributes to a Company Initiative.
However, when a Key Activity is repetitive, meaning that recurrent focus is needed on a particular action or behaviour, then weekly Key Activities can be set up instead. In other words: the team member focus on the same activity each week.
How many Key Activities a team needs varies, a guiding principle is that each team member should contribute to the work and thus have either some sprint Key Activities to work with, or a weekly Key Activity.
Check out our library to find examples of Key Activities and MIGs which they support.